audzelu ezersAudzeļu Lake (Ludziles Lake) is located on the Latgale upland, 145 metres above the sea level, in Istra parish of Ludza municipality. It goes into the group of Vecslabada lakes. The 200-300 metre wide rack separates the lake from Istras Lake in the south, and from the Dziļezers Lake in the east (between the lakes there is Vecslabada village and the road to Zilupe). In the west and south the shore is low, peaty and easily flooded. The bottom of the lake is sandy, in some – slimy. The eutrophic lake: the level of eutrophication is about 30%. It is a running water lake: in the west the Cigeļņa River flows into the lake, the waters flow out of the lake through Istras Lake and Dziļezers Lake to the Istra River.                        

Area: 64.9 ha

Length: 1.3 km, max. width: 0.9 km.

Average depth: 2.0 m, max. depth: 3 m.

Basin: 93.8 km2 (the basin of the River Velikaya)


Latvijas daba. 1.sēj. – Rīga: Latvijas enciklopēdija, 1994. – P. 81.