Brodaižas Lake is located on the Latgale upland, in Pilda parish of Ludza municipality; it is 180.2 metres above sea level. Along the eastern shore there is a road from Ludza to Rundēni. It has many creeks and coves and high shores. The lakes narrows in its south-eastern part, in this side the shore is low. Several streams and drainage ditches flow into the lake. By Brodaiži village there is a flow to the Ilža River.

Area: 35.0 ha

Length: 1.7 km (from the north-west to the south-east); max. width: 0.3 km.

Average depth: 3.9 m; max. depth: 7.7 m.

Basin: 9.55 km2 (the lake belongs to the basin of the Velikaya River)


Latvijas daba. 1.sēj. – Rīga: Latvijas enciklopēdija, 1994. – P. 163.