Franapoles Lake is located in the northern part of the Latgale upland, in Zvirgzdene parish of Ludza municipality; it is 138 m above sea level.

It is situated 6 km north-eastwards from Ludza, by Cibla road. The lake has a form of a horse-shoe. It is shallow. Between the sides of the lake, which are almost connected in the north there is a large island – it is accessible by a narrow piece of land from Franapole village.

Several streams and ditches flow into the lake; there is an outcoming stream to the Ludza River. In summer the lake is stagnant. The shores are low and flooded; on the shores there are peaty meadows and gardens. The lake is eutrophic; overgrown and sludgy.

Area: 70.4 ha

Length: 2.2 km; max. width: 0.5 km.

Average depth: 1.3 m, max. depth: 2.5 m.

Basin: 6.5 km2 (the lake belongs to the basin of the Velikaya River)


Latvijas daba. 2.sēj. – Rīga: Latvijas enciklopēdija, 1994. – P. 80.