Istalsnas Lake
Istalsnas Lake is located in Isnauda parish of Ludza municipality between the railway and the road from Ludza to Zilupe. The lake has a roundish form; it is very sludgy and overgrown. The level of the lake has become lower in about 1 meter. The shores are mostly low and marshy. Ditches flow into the lake. The Istalsna River flows through the lake. In the western part of Istalsnas Lake there is an island. On the northern shore there is Istalsna village, a school and a park.
Area: 56.7 ha
Length: 1.0 km, max. width: 0.8 km.
Average depth: 0.3 m, max. depth: 0.4 m.
Basin: 46.2 km2 (the lake belongs to the basin of the Velikaya River)
Latvijas daba. 2.sēj. – Rīga: Latvijas enciklopēdija, 1994. – P. 179.