Rajevkas Lake
Lake Rajevkas (Lake Rājavas, Lake Ņivu) is located in the Zilupes plain, in Blonti parish of Cibla municipality, in Kreiču marsh. It is at 107.4 m above sea level.
It is a roundish lake within low and peaty shores. In the south-eastern part the shores are sloping, there is a forest by the lake.
The bottom is even and sludgy. In the north-east, there is a ditch flowing out of the lake to the Ludza River. It is a dystrophic lake.
Area: 42.9 ha
Length: 0.9 km
Average depth: 2.1 m, max. depth: 3.3 m.
Basin: 1.1 km2 (it belongs to the basin of the Velikaya River)
Latvijas daba. 4.sēj. – Rīga: Latvijas enciklopēdija, 1997. – P. 214.