Runtortas Lake
Lake Runtortas (Runtorts) is located in the low part of the Latgale upland, in Cirma parish, at the border of Ludza town. It is at 134.1 m above sea level.
There is a small cove in the west, separated by a peninsula; in the north-east the Garbaru River flows out of the lake to Ludzas lakes.
The shores are sloping. In the southern part of the lake there is a group of lakes (Dukānu, Zeiļu, etc.) and melioration ditches.
The bottom is even, in some parts it is sludgy. It is a eutrophic lake. On the southern shore there is Runtorta village, gardens and meadows.
Area: 32.5 ha
Length: 0.9 km, max. width 0.6 km.
Average depth: 1.8 m, max. depth: 3.8 m.
Basin: 59.5 km2 (it belongs to the basin of the Velikaya River.)
Latvijas daba. 5.sēj. – Rīga: Latvijas enciklopēdija, 1998. – P. 23.