Bondarevas Cross Stone is located on the border of Zvirgzdene and Pušmucova parishes. If you want to find it, drive 2.5 km from Zvirgzdene crossing by road Ludza-Kārsava and 0.5 km after Seļekovas Lake turn left on the country-side road that was built by drainage specialists. This road, which goes to Kristužāni through Balūževa, after 2.7 km turns sharply left to the south. The country-side road to Mjakinki (0.5 km) starts on the right side at the curve.  

Bondarevas Cross Stone, which was called by the name of Bondarevas folwark (Polish for ‘a large farm in Latgale Region till the 20th century’), is located about 100 metred northwards from Jonikāns houses in Mjakinki village. Bondarevas folwark was situated 700 metres north-eastwards from the cross stone.

The cross stone is elongated; it lies from the north to the south. Its length is 3.9 m, width is 1.5 m, and height is 1.2 metres. In the south-eastern edge there is a carved cross sign. In the upper side of the stone there is 8 cm deep likely carved curved groove.  Rays of the curve are 40 and 60 cm long, 12-15 cm wide. According to local stories the stone was a praying place.

In 1900 there was an old forest and nearby there used to be another stone with a carved stone.

Northwards and southwards from the large stone there are smaller stones; their diameter is 60-70-100 cm.

Bondarevas Cross Stone is a protected cultural monument of local importance.

Archive of Ludza district department of the State Inspection for Heritage Protection

J.Urtāns Robežakmeņi.- 1990

Žukova Zinaīda Latvijas zili zaļā rota.- Rīga: Jumava, 2001.- P. 190.