seimanu.akmensSeimaņu stone is located in Cibla municipality on Seimaņu hill, about half a kilometre southwards from Seimaņi (Sīmaņi). Its length is 9.0 m, the widest place is 5.6 m, the perimeter is 23.6 metres; the maximum height is 1.9 m; in the hill side it is 0.7 m; the overground volume – 35 m3

The stone is one of the largest boulders in Latvia; furthermore its largest part is under the ground. The stone has irregular shape; it has cracks and consists of coarse-grained granite. It is possible that fire was made on the boulder.

Seimaņu stone is a geologic and geomorphologic nature monument.


Latvijas Daba. 5.sēj.- Rīga: Preses Nams, 1998.- P.70.

Zinaīda Žukova “Latvijas zili zaļā rota”.- 44-45 pp.